Guilt holds so many traps and obstacles that it is difficult to know where to start. Many of us are taught to feel guilty from a young age, with starving Ethiopians being the standard to get you to eat copious amounts of food when you were a child. For still others there is the blame apportioned to them as children because their father left or their mother had a headache. The less recognizable insidious methods in which blame is poured onto young minds is from schools where punishment is meted out to a class due to the actions of one or when an adult has trauma or difficulty in their life, the children around them are made to feel their own actions are somehow the cause.

Life can be difficult enough to navigate without the hidden aspects of undeserved guilt. Don't get me wrong, there are no doubt things you should feel guilty for, but only if they happened today, If you have an event that goes back far enough it can't be fixed in some way, then learning to accept the error of your ways is the fastest way to move on. Our courts function in this manner, feel remorse and all is forgiven, minus the due consequence of course. Like all our emotions guilt has a purpose, those who don't feel guilt in any way are our sociopaths and potentially psychopathic. Even a narcissist feels guilt at times, they just temper it with what they think the world owes them and so find it easy to put aside, or it flares as bad behaviour towards other less important mortals.

For you today guilt can be firmly put in it's place, it is a barometer of behaviours, if you have a lot of things you feel guilty about, then you have some behaviours YOU are not happy with, Guilt never has anything to do with anything else, Do you feel guilty for lying to make someone else feel happy? Chances are you don't, let's face it, we have all told that 'you are looking great' lie. Guilt in itself describes your values to you, if you don't like liars you will be struck down by guilt when you behave that way, If you find yourself talking about someone behind their back but have consistently mentioned how you dislike that sort of thing, you will be struck by guilt. It isn't honesty that drives a criminal to confess or a person having an affair to tell all to their spouse, often the latter does more damage than not telling ever would have. What it does, is alleviates that ongoing feeling of guilt. I am of the notion that if what you did was bad enough for you to feel guilt that can't be assuaged without unnecessarily hurting someone, then you deserve it, hold it and promise yourself never to do that again. In the case of the criminal, they are looking for the punishment to help alleviate the guilt, in most cases (including the confessional) it is in the telling that a person feels a lift.

These are easy to manage and evolve. You feel the guilt, you stop the behaviour, If the situation makes it possible, you apologize, trust me, that lifts the guilt too, but in all cases the single biggest factor will be in NOT continuing the behaviours that make you feel bad about yourself, Feeling bad about yourself is guilt in play. For the guilt that comes from things you didn't do, or might do, or when guilt has become a way of life, this hypnosis will put it right where it belongs. at the edge of your psyche, where it can play it's role as behaviour monitor and moderator, without affecting every decision you make, your relationships and more. It is in guilt that we feel undeserving of good things and it is in guilt that we hold ourselves in addiction, you can release past guilt and quite simply move on.

Dorothy holds a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy attained from the New Zealand School of Hypnosis and has thirteen years experience both as an Hypnotherapist and founder of the Vibrational Expansion Technique of Energy Therapies