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Nine  of Wands: Sometimes it is difficult to see your way past obstacles and challenges, for nearly everyone there may come a time where giving up seems to be a viable option, This is specifically where this nine comes into its own. There is a choice to push on without seeing what outcome is likely or yield to a challenge that is too time consuming or energy sapping to warrant the effort. The danger of this card is in giving up when you are just about to break through or turn a corner.
It advises that it is a time for careful consideration of your options and if necessary it is worth changing your approach so you can go over, under or around any obstacle you can't go through. Being flexible and open to advice or new methods is the way to go, the killer here is sticking with what is not working, the winner is what can i do?
Creativity is the key to success when hitting the wall and you would need to dig deep to find the energy and motivation to keep going. the nine holds a promise of reward but only with continued effort. If the question is a relationship one, it is time to dump the patterns and focus on what you are hoping to achieve, if it is business, consider what you could do differently to come past start up or jaded attitudes.
 Where some see a brick wall others see an opportunity to use that obstacle as a way to success, this requires inventive thinking and making sure that you factor in your skills not just your desires.  If you need to learn effective communication do so, where you need to learn how to balance your budget, do so, where you need to be forgiving, caring or make a change in behaviour, do so, as sometimes the obtacle you need to overcome, is you.
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