Be who you wish to be, not who you were taught to be

A Psychic Journey May Not Be What you Think

It is easy to believe that psychic development has to do with psychic skills, but the truth Is that these are innate in most humans and practiced in some form...


Energy Therapy

The way of the future! There has been a substantial number of research papers delivered and peer reviewed. Many stand for years before someone challenges them although the research is...


Common Issues Resource

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What is a Healing Crisis?

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What is a soulmate and how do you know you have met one? This question indicates if nothing else, you have not yet, not in friendships, family or love. We...



Our daydreams are a release from the daily grind and boredom that sometimes visits, but they can be so much more. Many poets, artists and musicians find it difficult to explain where their ideas come from, but ideas themselves are dredged up from a barely recognizable plac



What is Karma? Karma is the Sanskrit word for action. It is equivalent to Newton’s law of ‘every action must have a reaction’. When we think, speak or act we...


A Refusal Often Offends

Refusal is a state of fear believe it or not. Fear of failure, fear of responsibility, fear of rejection, fear of compromise and more. It is often seen when a...


Core Belief: Energy of the Heart

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The Pressure of Healing

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Why don’t we heal?

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Do it Yourself: Colour Therapy

Pop down to your local cheap shop or indeed any shop that sells coloured bottles. build up a range so you have almost any number of colours, the more the...
