Be who you wish to be, not who you were taught to be

A Psychic Journey May Not Be What you Think

It is easy to believe that psychic development has to do with psychic skills, but the truth Is that these are innate in most humans and practiced in some form...



Our daydreams are a release from the daily grind and boredom that sometimes visits, but they can be so much more. Many poets, artists and musicians find it difficult to explain where their ideas come from, but ideas themselves are dredged up from a barely recognizable plac

body talk

Precision Weight Programs Work

Only you have lived your life and only you know your strengths and weaknesses. What if I told you this knowledge is simply not true! When it comes to habits...


A Refusal Often Offends

Refusal is a state of fear believe it or not. Fear of failure, fear of responsibility, fear of rejection, fear of compromise and more. It is often seen when a...


The Three Gates

The term 'Getting in your own way' refers to either not doing what you need to, or doing things that conflict with achieving a goal. The biggest problem in this...


Motivation:What Keeps You Going?

We tend to think of motivation as something we need at the beginning of an action. This is so far from the truth as to obscure causes of failure, quitting...


Hypnosis for Addiction

Probably the most important question I would ask is, ‘Do you really want to move past addiction no matter what it is?’ With cigarette smoking posing the biggest block to...


Power of Suggestion

Many seem to think the power of suggestion is one for weak minded people. others believe that thoughts can be so easily implanted that it doesn't matter how strong minded...


The Weighting Game

Over many years I watched my mother struggle with her weight. The photos showing her in her 30’s depict her as huge. As a teenager she was plump and after...


Living Without Pain

Her 9 year old daughter came in and found her unconscious on the ground. Emergency services rushed her to hospital, noting that she had an empty bottle of painkillers their...


Change Habits

You think about it often, stopping something, starting something or doing things differently. It all seems great for a moment and then poof, the thought or motivation just disappears into...


Turn Negative Thinking into Positive

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