Be who you wish to be, not who you were taught to be

It is easy to believe that psychic development has to do with psychic skills, but the truth Is that these are innate in most humans and practiced in some form or other as intuitive response and flashes of foreknowledge. Any energetic practice will enhance psychic skills and if not narrowed down to visual, the right methodology will open you to all your inner understandings that evade conscious consideration.

As a spiritual warrior you don’t need to be taught how to be psychic, you already have those skills, which means you are choosing how to develop what you already have. Doing this efficiently is a matter of intention and direction. What do you want to achieve? If you know this you can find the most direct path to achieving your goals. I am a fan of get in, discover and get on with life incorporating your learning into every aspect that can benefit from it.

What it isn’t:

Psychic development isn’t a way to healing one’s life and doesn’t always include spiritual development or mindfulness. If the goal is to heal the past the programs and methods for doing this quickly tend to be regressive and apply to your experience, understanding of it (enlightenment) and how to overcome character altering diversity.

Methods would be hypnosis programs, Pathwork, regression therapies and meditations. There are a whole host of potentials that target attitude as in ‘eliminate negative thinking’ to releasing those who did damage ‘release past relationships’ releases are primary but personal development can and probably should include progressive therapies that initiate positive tendencies and habits.

Developing psychic abilities specifically is a beginning where the individual practices and does exercises to bring the conscious mind forward to focus on subtle energy information and to be able to shift forward and backward at will to pick up information. There is absolutely no need to develop this way, it can be slow and labourious, but worse it often erodes confidence, if not intending to read for others at some point. Your mind can always do this and have likely experienced flashes of awareness at various times in life. When developing skills you are exercising and instructing your brain to be aware of those things we typically ignore in favour of more superficial and provable information.

A common mistake is to undertake psychic programs and hope for personal gains and vice versa. The cheapest and fastest way to get where you are going is to know what your end goal is, set your cap at it, and commit to the process. There are times where both outcomes are sought. That is a person wants to develop personally and wants to become a psychic practitioner. Everything is just white noise until it isn’t.

If this is the aim the best solution is expansion and energy techniques which include both. With each expansion and the understanding of energy one’s ability to read others and include visionary or other subtle field abilities increases steadily. There is no doubt that opening up and discovering self energetically also aids in fast tracking psychic ability and personal development as it is a journey of discovery that is shared with others as energy support or as a psychic reader.

Save Time: understand where one study benefits another

The same skills are used for both. Where aura reading may seem to be different to psychic abilities it is used even if the reader is unaware of using it. Being unaware makes it a bit random and often unreliable rather than on demand. On demand skills are only required for those who want to support others using their skills for insightful commentary and the ability to see what a person really needs, why and what they are likely to do. Overemphasis on psychic ability often doesn’t provide the expansion to be a clear and concise reader. If personal experience and having fun is the aim, just do that!

Anyone engaging in fully opening chakras and practicing energy exchange and add visionary development will be able to perform with high standards in psychic arenas. If you can see aura, you can see any other subtle frequencies, it is that simple. There really isn’t any such thing as a psychic journey, there is a spiritual journey, a personal journey, an energetic journey and a psychic experience that can be a result of both.

As one develops energetically there will be memories, moments, experiences and responses that come to the awareness, it is part of being more open, we don’t choose what we are open to, it will be the brutal truth or if personal growth isn’t desired (or ready for) the individual will halt all development. Even in Attunements students ‘halt’ development by not following through with the practices which continue expanding the initiatory experience (the attunement itself is not complete we take it as far as we can or want to).

Having an attunement then forgetting about it or not practicing will have benefit, but it is singular making it good for personal growth to kick through false beliefs and limitations but doesn’t push an individual to their full potential. When the experience is halted the indvidual can find their flashes of insight quite frustrating as the information leaves a sort of cliffhanger, but that doesn’t mean a lack of skill it is a lack of skill development.

For personal growth that includes mindful awareness, Self actualization deals with truly knowing others and as such is valuable for practitioners but also helps bonding relationships and removing judgements through a lack of knowledge in why others do what they do. It teaches detachment but maintains caring. It has advantages for therapists who have past trauma that make it difficult to form healthy bonded relationships and is great for those who have a progressive approach to living life to the full.

Any journey of self discovery needs to include pleasurable pursuit and enjoyable expansion while addressing your inner needs. IF you do that, you will find it a satisfying and life enriching experience.

At the outset knowing what you want to achieve you can shorten and improve the experience of going from where you are to where you want to be. The way to do that is to look through programs in both areas of personal and spiritual development as well as psychic options to find what looks great for you. They may not meet your needs but allow you to explore yourself through potential rather than by taking cues from the past.

Pop down to your local cheap shop or indeed any shop that sells coloured bottles. build up a range so you have almost any number of colours, the more the better. It does help if they have lids or corks as you are going to fill your bottle with water after first ascertaining your primary need. Tap or filtered water is just fine, I don’t really recommend pre-bottled water unless there is something wrong with your water supply, it has often been in the bottle for as long as 2 years. dead dead dead, if you don’t have a choice, pour the water into a jug, then back into the bottle a few times to try and infuse some oxygen.

Close your eyes, take a nice deep breath or five and ask yourself what colour do you need to balance out your body, mind or emotions right now. Similarly, you can ask what colour will help or enhance what you are trying to do or be at the moment, or over the next few days or weeks.

Here are a few examples:

  • What colour will increase my confidence right now
  • What colour will help me feel better
  • What colour will help me heal from…. (be specific as to what you want to heal from)
  • What colour do i need to enhance….
  • What colour will lift my spirits
  • What colour do i need to get past…
  • What colour will help me achieve a more relaxed state of mind
  • What colour will help me meditate
  • What colour will help me concentrate
  • What colour will help me communicate more directly/efficiently or honestly. it may not be the same colour for all three.

 You get the picture. It isn’t wise to ask for a colour to ‘get that job’, but you can most certainly enhance your energetic attractiveness, to improve your chances over the next round of interviews. You can even specify a  suitable job in your question, I.E, the best match or fit. Even online or mail applications carry energy, due to this quality some stand out and others don’t. It would be rare that only one person has the right qualifications for a job, so what colour will make you stand out, seem professional, or be a match for the best job you are capable of achieving?

In romance, what colour brings out the best in you? That is a much better use of the therapy than what colour will get me a boyfriend/girlfriend. It will work better if you focus on what you want to present or put out there, as you can’t change others or the course of the world for that matter. I know I know, it is popular to believe that you can shift 7 billion or even 1 person out of the way  so you can get what you want, because for some obscure reason the angels, masters or the universe think you are more important…… The thing to understand is the energetic change you can create for yourself here, which alters how others perceive you, the absolute best you can go for, is the best version of you. Ask for that, it works every time.

A colour will come to mind almost instantly, if you have to think about it, you missed the pure moment. It is common when self-diagnosing to dismiss the first instinct in favour of a second more practiced version, it is truly a bad habit and worth overcoming. If your mind offers yellow then immediately green and your thought is ‘ahh my fave colour’, go for the yellow.  If yellow is your fave and first thought, maybe you need it, consistency is important rather than playing favourites with your thoughts and reinforcing the very thing you are trying to change

To make Colour Elixir:

Select the nearest colour bottle you have to the colour that comes to mind and fill it with water, stand it in the sun (inside by a window is just fine) with the lid off. The sun solarizes, but it also purifies; any chlorine dissipates which helps to give you a softer water. You may even notice that the different coloured bottles offer slightly (very slightly) different flavours, even the word flavour is too strong for the subtle differences in taste.

Leave your bottle in full sun, usually 30 minutes is long enough, on an overcast day an hour is best but leaving it there all day isn’t a problem if you are at work. Drink this water over the day, or next few days or even weeks depending on what you are trying to achieve. This means using the same colour bottle, refilling and solarizing, if you manage to have two bottles of the same colour, you can solarize one while drinking the other.

Fill your water bottle with it when you go to work or travel, so you can sip it throughout the day, you can keep this water in the fridge or not, the intention is to drink it not store it.  Clearly you won’t be wanting to drink from different colours or any colour all the time, but it isn’t unusual to need a sustained dosing to help come past anxiety, depression or difficult periods in relationship. As things change or as your priorities change, you can revisit this process as often as you like, you can target character flaws, undeveloped areas as well as psychological dilemmas.



You can do this sitting or lying down.

Begin by taking 5 deep breaths into your belly. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Use this as a signal to your body that you are going into a relaxed state.


Hold each position for 3 minutes or more.


  1. Bring your awareness to your heart centre. Imagine a white light in the centre of your chest; allow this light to grow until it completely fills your chest cavity.


  1. Start drawing this light down your body. Down past your hips, down your legs, continuing on down through your feet. Allow your energy to be drawn to the very centre of the earth. When your energy column reaches the core of the earth, gently pierce the crust and allow your energy to mingle freely with the earth energy.
  2. After a moment, you will feel the earth’s response as she lovingly sends her energy back up your grounding cord. Imagine her energy coming up your energetic cord, all the way up and through the soles of your feet. Up your legs and continuing on up past your hips, flowing up your body to your heart centre, keep it going up into your throat, and out the crown of your head still going up to the very edge of the cosmos.
  3. Above your head imagine a brilliant white light, so bright you can barely look at it.
  4. Draw this energy down into your crown, down through your throat, into your heart centre continuing on down your body, down your legs and out the soles of your feet, still going down your energetic cord all the way down to the centre of the earth.
  5. Allow the cosmic and earth energies to mingle and after a moment you will feel both energies push back up your energy column, coming up all the way through the soles of your feet, and on up your legs past, your hips continuing up to your heart centre
  6. Allow this light energy to expand until it completely fills your chest cavity. Split these energies to each shoulder, run them down your arms and out the palms of your hands.


  • Starting with the crown place both hands on your head linking the fingers.
  • Place both hands over front of face ensuring cover of 3rd eye
  • Cup hands at throat
  • Place both hands over heart
  • Position hands over solar plexus
  • Move to the sacral
  • Cup hands over genital area at base Chakra
  • At each Chakra position allow your mind to be open to accept any information relating to that area, also allow any emotions to flow. This is an exercise in opening and recognizing the areas creating difficulty in our lives as well as expanding to allow healing energy to enter and balance the chakras.