Learn to read and heal animalsThere is something special about getting a look at your own aura. A bit of focus on the right areas can lead to self-healing, although it has to be said that this can happen in unexpected ways when you are not thinking you 'KNOW' what will fix internal conflicts. Making connections between past events, especially early life, and current attitudes is pretty tricky. It is easy to spend a lot of time, even years, trying to resolve something by going at it from the wrong angle, or misunderstanding core energy. Aura Diagnosis is not just a tool for identification and information, it can reveal your magnificent self, which you may not always recognize. My favourites are teens who all too often are mired down with self doubt, the look on their faces as they hear who they are rather than who they think they is priceless.
Pets and animals are great to read, generally it is easy to pick up on character/personality, health issues and mental emotional problems as they arise. A combination of these helps you understand and energy therapy often resolves the problem or at the very least eases it greatly. Learning to see aura and heal animals is provided for in the courses. Aura images of pets are at the bottom of the page.
Below I have listed a few of the combinations or colours with a bit of tongue and cheek, but accurate nevertheless. Many do express an interest in their aura and while some talking about changing it for the better, it is important to know that it changes as a reflection of your inner changes, and those changes are more in quality. You are who you are, there is no such thing as a positive without its complimentary negative. That is to say a person who is determined, is also likely to be stubborn in certain situations, it is also worth noting that how you see that depends on whether they stand with you or you stand against them.
Get and aura reading and interpretation $45 here
Get an aura reading and future projection $80 by clicking here
Feeling blue? You probably are, I usually see this as a heavier dark blue grey hanging close to the head and sometimes down as far as the shoulders where it turns into anxiety. Why? The heaviness of the colour has a weight that feels like a burden, turning every moment for a time into an ordeal. When an individual is sluggish, lacking oxygen, not eating well, drinking or indulging substance addictions it often looks this way, these peeps love energy therapy because it makes them feel lighter and brighter for a time, in fact, amazingly so it seems to them. Over a relatively short period of time they find themselves back int he doldrums because permanent change takes a little practice, a new attitude and new behaviours. Where the changes have already been made, energy therapy (self or preferably if you have long held issues, with a professional) the lightness and free feeling stay put allowing you to skim through what otherwise might be months of effort. Oh and lighten up isn’t just a saying, you hearing me?
What actually changes? Your Body is the quick answer. All energy interactions work from the body, the aura is simply the outflow of energy, essentially being an expression of your cells. Wowza! This means that as you effect a change in your mindset your body changes. Even if you make a change in the body the mind can still pull the body back down into the space it previously occupied, and usually does. You don’t really need assistance of any sort to make a gain or change, anyone can do this for themselves.
Getting help does have benefits though by speeding up the process and offering objectivity where past trauma plays a role in perspective, while also feeling supported. Having someone to talk to who knows how to hear what happened to you is of great value. Most friends and family either don’t want to know, or have so much empathy they can’t hear the whole truth. Sometimes out of guilt and other times because they can’t bear it, which does rather make your story about them. The main stumbling block to self-healing is objectivity, battling in the wrong direction repeatedly can lead to a loss of confidence in your ability to heal. Even with a professional making those first inroads feel like heaven, only to return a feeling of normalcy over time that reveals the hidden factors and development issues bought about by the first, or maybe not even related, but like a major pain in the body lesser pains go unrecognized until the bigger pain disappears. What is termed a healing crisis is no such thing, it is an epiphany of reality, and that moment bites baby.
All of these appear in the aura in some way, attitude, character, personality traits are all revealed along with body issues, weakness and strength. There is no such thing as a bad aura, or a good one for that matter, I have yet to see any aura without complexities and anomalies and i have never seen one that can’t offer insights into healing any wounds, improving physical issue and at the very least taking a commonly held belief and smash it into the ground when the import of its devastating impact is realized. Too much? Of course it is but hey, I am on an OTT roll today. Read on only if you are brave enough, feel free to leave a comment and share.
Feeling in the pink? You probably are, usually showing around or over the eyes (not so good long term), a softer pink will have you basking in its comfy glow, If there is plenty of it you will struggle to do what needs to be done but mehhh, you won’t care much for a while. Bright pink can be an issue but the lovely pale pink with a touch of rose leaves us all feeling all is right with the world and that nothing could possibly go wrong. Not a great time for making major decisions but awesome for resolving issues in relationships, feeling generous and getting into your community. Not to be mistaken for empathy, this is a colour of ‘I feel good and i want everyone to feel this way’. You will recognize it in new couples who think everyone should get married or find someone, sharing a good feeling is one of the best ways of sharing anything.
Looking for acceptance? You might want to be more accepting, for those who are judgmental will always be judged, always have been and probably always will be. A lovely lilac will do the trick and in particular placed over the lung (not the heart). You can go both sides or choose a side, but what happens here, is if you imagine the colour in your mind’s eye, and focus it in the lung area, you will likely remember why you are critical of others in the first place, Sometimes it is a feeling generated by jealousy, this in turn being competitive in which case you were probably bought up in a family where it was a bit dog eat dog. No Biggy unless you want to put this on everyone else, that in itself being the blocker to resolving it for good. What does placing a colour inside yourself do? It is energy, it is the appropriate frequency to counter the darker and muddy green that will reside there, breaking it up in the cells of your body. Perhaps you mum never accepted or supported who you were, perhaps your dad left the family home never to be seen again, or just as bad, creating a new family and not allowing you to feel loved. In this case the murky green will push up above your left shoulder and look like a plug in the feminine aspect of experience and process, leaving you to quite literally fend for yourself without the ability to accept support or advice without feeling it somehow compromises who you are on some level.
Bright and bubbly to the point no one takes you seriously? this is not a problem,, however if you find your intelligence subverted it could be that you are high minded and this can lead to seeking perfection in others, high expectations and unreal or wishful thinking, all of which can leave others rolling their eyes. A bright yellow above the head indicates suggestibility a good time, trying drawing a lime green into the mix and you will find that you are steadier, bright bubbly and clever without the need to prove yourself or hide your shine. It will lead to some interesting ideas about what you want to do, learn or develop, there is nothing more dangerous to an individual than unexplored intelligence. it leaves them bored, listless and without purpose while also knowing they are too good for many jobs or life options. This is the high horse syndrome as intelligence needs training and expression, if you want to be more than you are then bite the bullet, do the training and get over the idea that you don’t need it. When this light goes from bright yellow to mustard it draws in and away from the head and becomes ups and downs, highs and lows, at this point we find the grumpy cheerful person.
Being taken advantage of? Well serves you right! You are after all, the power in your own life if you can be bothered. A rosy glow is not all it is cracked up to be unless in small quantities and in balance with surrounding colours. It is a terrible thing to have directing a chakra that’s for sure over the eyes. Add a lot of pink and you have a person who lives in hope that their acquiescence will reap rewards, it never does, unless by reward you mean more of the same forever and ever. This is an insecure energy that thinks if it keeps on giving one day, the other person or persons, will return love or it will hold their attention. The abject failure of this in relationships is testament to a genuine lack of foresight. A touch of blue, preferably royal blue, into the third eye will do the trick, then holding your hands over your eyes relax and allow a nice emerald green to break up the pattern. Seeing only what you want to see leads to a dry and lonely existence, SAVE YOURSELF!
Constantly sweating the details, feeling frustrated and overwhelmed? You my friend are green green green. It will be everywhere, deep and forest like it will permeate your throat, heart area, wrists and likely be above your head, over your knees and possibly feet or hands. Details! These can be the downfall of many a good thinker, when this green hits the grey range it becomes obsession. When the past is involved as in OCD it will range to teal with plenty of grey involved, stubborn adherence to something that doesn’t work and needing a static physical connection from the past to hold you steady. It won’t and it is a cold comforter in the early light of dawn when sleep evades you and you feel the world is holding you away from the dreams you can’t seem to put any consistent effort into. Living your life in your mind the way you want it to be, will push others away as they can never live up to the expectation and nit picking every possibility, crushing potential with a thought. Throw yourself a bone and indulge in some pure white light to lift the mood and engage the bigger picture
Nothing works for you, it’s all a waste of time? You are beating the orange/ red blush with a grey stick, and quite likely some of that grey green at the wrists. Yep that grey gets in when a colour gets mucky, it is the grey of stubborn rather than determination and can be made of a number of colours.
The stubborn part being refusal, when we hit the blind spots refusal is what holds us there. Refusal to change that is. This has to be the grumpiest combo around and will lash out when pushed too far by this miserable world and the people in it.
Feeling challenged by the inability to execute all your great ideas or to live the dream because of dumb rules. Regulations and the ever dreaded money/learning required to gain experience that can make your golden nuggets of bliss come to life, are all indicative of skipping school in favour of being free spirited. Only to discover that free spirited means doing what you love and doing it well without expecting others to make it possible for you, with their own hard work and effort to support you in your dreamy goals.
Drop a few blobs of pretty gold into this mix and you will feel quite transformed, you will see how to make your ideas work for you and more importantly you will see what is required. Optimism is a great thing but drags you down when envy or wishful thinking are driving the bus, in short, all things take time, bigger manifestations take more effort and time than smaller ones, be real and in time .Enough! There is so much more but I have now made myself laugh enough for one day. If you found yourself getting miffed at any of the descriptions above, the chances are it is something you don't really like in yourself. No problem, none of us are perfect or even close to, anything you feel may be holding you back is changeable simply by you wanting to and acknowledging where behaviours are rooted.
More colour meaning details, colour photos and exercises in learning to see aura for fun or to enhance abilities in my book
Aura: Your Dynamic Energy Field click here to go to amazon
For the more serious types and those wanting to become practitioners or have a successful energy based business become a Vibrational Expansion Technique® student of energy therapy, drop me a line. Join my comprehensive certificated course for Aura Reading Technicians® which has 3 stages with a development gap between each stage please note this is no slouchy class expect complexities,, excitement, comprehensive training material and me.
For those who are not so into becoming a practitioner/healer/energy therapist talk to me about grabbing a friend or two and taking a few light classes in seeing the aura.
Pet Auras are fascinating, and it is to be noted that animals take energy amazingly, horses, cattle or domestic pets all respond well. You can learn to read and heal animals here Learn to read and heal animals Here
Or get a pet reading, with an image you simply need to send me a photo (current is preferred) of your pet, and it will be returned via email with the interpretation, you can ask specific questions at the outset. click here to buy a pet aura reading
This is what a pet aura looks like.
Angelo Pet aura reading!
There is sensitivity around the ears and a focus on what to do next. That bright pink at the tail has a light reflection in the chest suggesting these are where he loves to be touched. he loves nothing more than having his tail stroked. The cerise from the ears to the feet is much about direction if he hears something he will follow that.
The sage green through the back paws and the rump suggest he will tuck in his bum when he gets ready to run, he is young yet but this will become more obvious over time, almost like a crouch ready to pounce even for no reason.
the darker blue band around the stomach area suggests that he will eat whatever he wants and you may think you can control that but he will probably dictate it, from the colour it is important that he has fresh food to develop his intestinal tract or he could experience problems if they are underdeveloped over time.
Mocha: This dog would take some patience in training, here one minute gone the next as evidenced by the aqua above her head. She will consider things then rethink and then think, nah i'm in. She has that colour pushing out from her body and into her left indicating a 'twisty' motion so she may wag her tail from her waist. The yellow is eternal optimism she won't ever be down for long, it is very much 'oh well' and onto the next thing, she will be springy from the legs either hopping up and down on all fours when excited or jumps a lot. more of a bounder thana runner
She needs her food monitored as she will eat anything or rather put anything in her mouth and may have had broken things that she swollows on occasion causing tummy upsets here and there, that is the darker red at her lower abdomen. while i also pick up now or near future, if in the past not resolved yet, gum/teeth or a jaw issue. This likely needed or will need vetting, that is her right side and as it extends out into the aura it may be chronic or recycle over time
the indigo at her heart suggests she has a good heart and is very likable and friendly but there is a sort of anxiety around this which suggests she was either born a bit early or removed from a parent before she was quite ready. She bonds really well with pretty much anyone who gives her time and attention making friends very easily, she isn't really competitive and is happy with her lot if dismissed but will pop her head up in hopes of being returned to the fold at any moment if under disciplinary action. I see her bumping her head a fair bit so may be a fan of going under chairs and tables that she is too big for
Jake is a sweet boy who is happy to put one foot in front of the other and probably never gets impatient so great with kids or less secure individuals. I wouldn’t be surprised to find him working with handicapped kids or people who are a little fearful to set them at ease in being around animals. The turquoise at his forehead is his auto pilot lol. He definitely has one, point him in the right direction and give him a verbal command and he’s off. His ears are always alert to anyone coming within cooeee and he is likely to position himself to ensure he doesn’t miss any treats or pats.
The grouping of bright red dots over an ochre type of orange indicates some intestinal issues, he may be colicky or have experienced this in his past, he definitely farts or expresses wind if you prefer. His rump is his favourite scratchy area, and I suspect he has had energy therapy, or someone has put hands on him before possibly massage also, I can feel him backing into hands and deliberately placing himself for optimum experience.
The front knees may experience swelling or tenderness leaving him switching from one to the other often and he may seem a bit tender footed at times. This is likely age related but there is the potential to resolve it. The lovely magenta at his wither suggests kindness and a willingness to pop his head down to assist rather than hold it up or pull away. He may be a magnet for pats lol.
The yellow over his back has a little green in it, he is pretty much bomb proof and enjoys attention, but I would say water sprayed over his back gets a very vocal response he loves it. The bright green at his shoulder joint suggests he leads with the left as a rule. The lovely orange at his chest is an open-hearted energy that he will use loving to push up into the chest and have a hug maybe. Chest scratchies are another favourite I can almost feel him groan (horsey style) with pleasure.
The darker blue at his lung indicates he may have breath issues, bronchial or similar this may be age or seasonal, but it feels a bit heavy when it hits. I think this can be resolved also or at least improved if there is worry around it. If it hasn’t been experienced in any obvious way yet, be aware of it as it is likely coming into the time where it will make itself known, I can feel the odd cough from this. Apart from that he is a lovely boy even if he is a bit soft hooved and needed that extra bit of care over time. Worth it.