Introducing This Exclusive Webinar From dorothy
Meeting with Crystal Guides OMG
Discover your Crystal Guardian an Incredible Experience
Dorothy has been running online classes since 2003, her experience, professionalism and presentations offer you an unforgettable experience. Available On Demand these webinars are in depth and visually engaging making them great value.
Crystals have been used for healing for thousands of years, the way we use them has changed, the availability of crystals has increased and our understanding of vibrational frequencies, bonding and spiritual development moves forward with ever greater access to the secret knowledge of both the universe and the earth upon which we live.
Crystal Healing 2: Crystal Guides
On Demand
Crystal Guardian: In ancient times it was considered that everything in the universe had an overseer or guardian. Sometimes we refer to these as gods other times angels, and yet other times mother nature or Gaia. Crystals are no different with each body having a specific guardian that can guide you through a singularly powerful crystal experience.