Introducing This Exclusive Webinar From dorothy

Ascended Consciousness Mind Blowing!

Carrying a Higher Vibration Brings you Closer to Your Higher Self
Dorothy has been running online classes for 20 years , her experience, professionalism and presentations offer you an unforgettable experience with visually stunning slideshows

One of the most amazing experiences a crystal lover can have is a genuine connection to their individual crystals and collections. These exciting workshops allow you to fully engage with the earth through your crystal collection. Become closer to who you wish to be, who you know you can be using crystal frequencies to align you to your higher self. Bring a crystal to each workshop and use the technique from then on for your collection (individually) or any new crystal you bring home.

 Crystal Healing 5 : Ascension

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Crystals Ascension: All crystals have some very specific properties. Ascension is the state of carrying a higher vibration and so becoming a better version of yourself in the way that matters most to you right now.  Whatever part of your being you wish to evolve, this is the workshop to make that happen, quickly and effectively. Meet your higher self by by ascension of consciousness.

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