With all the research over the last ten years into the physical and emotional affects of holding a grudge against someone who hurt you, there has been a new psychology trend to intervention. The benefits are enormous and speedy. It is a process that starts with a decision. Your decision, one that leads you to freedom. Improves health, relationships and mental/emotional stability. This is the decision to put the past behind you so you can live your life unencumbered by it. No one wants to take bitterness into relationships with their partners, family, friends or children. Most of us were taught as kids to not hold grudges, so we are not only holding anger in our bodies, but we are going against our own personal values. Eventually becoming angry at ourselves for being unforgiving, when we expect forgiveness from others, can be a conflicted difficult energy. In a modern world forgiveness therapy is being used in the fight against cancer, arthritis, heart disease and more.
When you can't forgive an ex lover for betrayal, love relationships will suffer, even if you are no longer with that partner. You will take that grudge and develop it into an attitude or behaviour that is destructive, even when you don't want it to be. When you have been betrayed by anyone you trust, family or friend, it is easy to feel isolated, which can lead to depression. Anxiety can become a close companion, but there is no doubt that increased symptoms of PTSD, lowered immune response, chronic illness and more can all be results of a lack of forgiveness. Research is very clear, letting go of the anger, the hurt and the person improves physical health by affecting the way we make choices and relieving the adrenal system of the burdens of anxiety. Even if the person you need to forgive is yourself, the way is clear and it IS possible to reconcile with yourself.
Read the full article on health benefits here
Forgiveness Therapy is a Three stage program
The Uncovering Phase During the first phase of forgiveness, you will improve your understanding of the injustice, and how it has impacted your life. This is about the injustice itself which is often mistaken for a current reasoning as to why we are angry, anxious or depressed. Even where there is a newer trauma than the original injustice, how we bounce back or don't can relate to earlier life injustices. Learn what forgiveness is, and what it isn’t.
The Work Phase During this phase, you will start to understand the offender in a new way, which will allow positive feelings toward the offender and yourself. The symptoms of holding negative feelings usually present in ways that don't appear connected to the initial injustice leaving you to deal with current relationships and situations based on those feelings.
The Deepening Phase. During the final phase of forgiveness, you will further decrease the negative emotions associated with the injustice. You may find meaning in the experiences, and recognize ways in which you have grown as a result. Taking notice of how relationships change, your happy factor and progress in meeting your personal goals.
3 live sessions online or in person with Dorothy and you are done. $300