One of the most wonderful things in life is seeing that magnificent play of light we call the aura. Scientifically referred to as Biophotonic emissions, these miniature packages of light also carry information, deep and superficial responses and signals that help us understand our world in a moment (sensing) and reveal ourselves to others, all the while, without realizing it. Becoming aware of the subtle energy fields and seeing, feeling or reading others is capitalizing on something every human being does from the minute they are born and possibly before.
We are called sentient beings for a reason. Bringing that into conscious realization allows a person to genuinely practice the intuitive arts in a way that is beyond catching a few visions and interpreting them into cohesive information. Aura reading can take a practitioner of energy therapy to the realm of excellence and a clairvoyant to precision, while also adding a beautiful dynamic to any information. It isn't to be forgotten either, that it aids a medium in reading a personality of someone departed, as it also accesses memory, even those long forgotten. The Aura is a living memory of light that travels indefinitely through the world holding a presence long after it has gone, revealing a pattern or trauma just as easily as if it happened yesterday.
Another aspect of reading aura is reading energy trails, that can show the influences and responses in a future experience. An individuals understanding of life, themselves and their experiences, leads them to the only reactions available to them at any moment in time. By altering that understanding one can change the experience of life, and create a different future by responding in a new way, to old or current events. There are other benefits in aura reading that affect career, if you are in sales of any sort and in particular big ticket items you can gain that instant rapport consciously and easily. Teachers can immediately know where a student is at mentally and emotionally, even when looking at their homework. Whether in human resources, psychology or any position where knowing more about another persons intentions, attitude and drive matters, reading the aura will give you a definite edge.
Learning to see aura can be done one of a few fun ways. Individual workshops live, for professionals this is one on one, for those wanting a lighter approach you can buy access to recordings and learn enough to have fun and begin developing ($60), or for live you can grab a friend or two (shared cost) or by yourself do a six session program that will ensure you are seeing aura and gaining a basic understanding of it. ($360)
Dorothy creates these aura pictures with a reading or a future projection. Aura readings can reveal information that shows why you may have repetitive cycles, your strengths and your weaknesses. Future projections expose influences and what is coming into your life.
Get an Aura Reading or keep reading to find out how to become an Aura ReadingTechnician.
Aura Reading Technician®
A complex and invigorating program with manuals and certification to let your clients know, you have studied and know your stuff. These classes are live video sessions and in person, with support as an ongoing theme, even after you graduate. These sessions are on a private hangout/skype/whatsapp/messenger. You are free to record them or on hangouts it is automatic to use along with your manual. Add $100 PP for each stage if you want to share with a friend or two and save overall this can also add to the time for each session. (three maximum) Average Class sessions are 2 hours. If you want to set up a larger group let me know and we can resolve any issues and create a price structure.
Aside from the manuals, you will receive slideshow video access relevant to that stage you are engaging. A free Paperback copy of Aura: Your Dynamic Energy Field, and an initial Aura image of your own aura.
Stage 1: Learn to See Aura, In this series of 3 sessions you will learn to see the aura itself, identify the Chakras within the Aura and Basic Colour Meanings.
Stage 2: 3 sessions, Colour in Depth (includes colour combinations) The Body and Colour, finishing with Colour Psychology.
Stage 3: These last 3 sessions start with Identify Illness in the aura, The emotional Body and Aura Personality.
9 x 2 hour 1 on 1 live sessions including materials, assignments and certification upon completion will see you in the advanced practitioners field of professionals for readings. For energy workers it will help immensely in identifying issues in body, mind and emotions, Identify trauma and help select in the appropriate energy technique for healing or advice as to what type of help they need going forward. (medical, pyschological, hypnosis etc)